LOCAL EVENT : RI 501 : Agency in Virginia / CAAR Virtual / February 20, 2025, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Includes a Live In-Person Event on 02/20/2025 at 9:00 AM (EST)
- Prices available after logging in
Real estate is about relationships. You need to know what Virginia law stipulates about your business contacts. This course will provide a detailed guide for Virginia real estate licensees on important issues dealing with agency. Topics include: brokerage relationships, agency disclosure, confidentiality, transactions, and agency in the Code of Ethics. The course will engage students in critical thinking and encourage group discussion.
CE/PL Approved: 3 Hours Real Estate Agency and 3 Hours Real Estate Related for CE; 3 Hours Virginia Agency Law for PL.
For further information, please visit the CAAR website or contact the CAAR Education Department.

Reggie Copeland
Reggie Copeland, affectionatelyknown as “The Bow-Tie Guy” has been licensed for over 20 years. He has servedon the Grievance Committee, Professional Standard Committee, and the Board ofDirectors for NVAR, passionately giving back to the industry that he lovesdearly. During the course of his career Reggie has managed his own real estateteam and spent many years managing a real estate office. He has especiallyenjoyed opportunities of teaching. Over the last 15 years he has found this an extremelyrewarding way to create knowledge transfer from his many years, and manyexperiences. His goal has always been to teach real estate classes with lots ofexcitement! An associate broker, he is a certified instructor and teaches GRI,Principles & Practices of Real Estate as well as many other courses. He hassold residential and commercial real estate and has been a contributor toNVAR’s RE+View Magazine and the Washington Post. He is available to teach allof the GRI courses.