Welcome Virginia REALTORS®

On-Demand Learning

Get started today! Take a look at the options below to begin learning at your own pace.

Business Success

  • REQUIRED TRAINING bp 204 & pm 108

    This course helps REALTORS understand how personality styles shape communication, allowing them to improve interactions with clients and colleagues. Through the DISC assessment and targeted learning, participants will refine their communication skills, fostering clearer, more effective relationships that drive greater success. This course may be taken as a stand-alone course.

  • $15 for 12 Videos

    This Legal Essentials Micro-Session Bundle includes 12 micro-sessions on a variety of topics identified as 'most essential' from your very own Virginia REALTORS® Legal Team. Topics include Earnest Money Deposits, Antitrust, the Code of Ethics, Advertising, Fair Housing and more. Purchase now for immediate access to all 12 micro-sessions. Access does not expire and may be updated as needed.  Note: No CE/PL

  • free

    With the amount of communication and messages bombarding us on a daily basis, through e-mail, text, social media, and the like, we don’t have time to waste trying to decipher the messages being sent our way. For the most part, if a communicated message doesn’t get to the point within the first sentence or two, we dismiss it, delete it, and rush to the next thing. Experts say we spend at least 75-80% of our waking time in some form of communication, whether that be verbal or written. If you are new to supervision, the job now requires much MORE time communicating than before supervision was in your role. If you are not new to supervision, you know how important communication is and how your communication can make you or break you. Interpersonal communication is the primary supervisory skill you need to have to be successful.

  • free

    This course focuses understanding how to apply leadership for everyone. A leader in any position, whether a CEO or a temporary head of a small project, serves his or her co-workers and the project as a whole best by being aware of strengths, weaknesses, and proclivities that affect how one communicates and processes information. Learning your tendencies as a leader will not only make you more conscious of the way you communicate, but will also allow you to recognize the personality and communication styles of your staff as well.

  • free

    This course focuses on communication and effective listening in the workplace; however, the skills learned here will help you become a better listener in all areas of your life. This course will teach you the difference between hearing and listening, as well as explain common listening barriers. It shows the importance of hearing, understanding, remembering, interpreting, evaluating, and responding.

Diversity Training

  • free
    Includes Credits

    The Fair Housing Simulation is an online interactive simulation training in which agents will confront discrimination in real estate transactions from the point of view of both agent and client. In the training, agents work against the clock to sell homes in the fictional town of Fairhaven, confronting various scenarios in which discrimination gets in the way. Agents make choices about how to handle each scenario, advancing through the simulation based on their answers. At each step, the course provides actionable feedback to give agents the tools to prevent and address discrimination in their daily business transactions. Approved CE : 1 Hour Real Estate Related

  • free

    Unconscious bias is a phenomenon that all humans engage as a mechanism to help explain and understand our surroundings. Unfortunately, it can inhibit our interactions and make us draw conclusions that are incorrect. Being able to recognize these biases, fully understand how we process information, and know strategies to avoid negative implications creates for a well-balanced work environment. The SEE Model is used as a way to slow down our immediate responses and provide a step-by-step breakdown the experience. Strategies are presented to assist in the reprogramming of our innate reactions and allow for more open interactions.

  • free

    Cultural diversity is a modern-day reality in most workplaces. Cultural differences may show up in a variety of different ways and can at times cause misunderstandings or even conflict. This course helps us to give thought to how culture may manifest in our own workplace. A framework is presented that helps us self-examine how we personally interact across difference. Finally, clear strategies are identified to build and strengthen your cultural competence.


    At Home With Diversity® (AHWD) is an NAR certification program designed to present a picture of the changing face of the real estate industry. Since 1998, the At Home With Diversity® program has prepared over 20,000 REALTORS® to work effectively with and within today’s increasingly diverse pool of home buyers.


    Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing is an NAR certificate course that helps real estate professionals interrupt stereotypical thinking so they can avoid fair housing pitfalls and provide equal professional service to every customer or client. Participants will learn about the mind science of identity, study how implicit bias can result in fair housing violations and engage in interactive exercises to enhance communication skills and business relationships with clients of all backgrounds.